Travel Tip Tuesday

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We all know that when backpacking and travelling keeping fit and healthy often slips on the priority list, especially with exotic food and sun beds to enjoy! However there are some easy tips and tricks to maintaining your fitness while away. Here are this Tuesday’s Travel Tips: 

1.     Walking

Make sure you include some walks in your travels. Instead of taking a moped or a tuk-tuk get your comfy shoes on and walk to the next attraction.

2.     Take advantage of your accommodation’s facilities 

Some hotels and hostels have gyms and these are a great way to burn off the kcals you had the night before! It will also put you in a much better mood for the rest of the day. If in a hot location why not jump into the pool and do a few lengths!

3.     Resistant bands

These are a great way keep your muscles toned while on holiday and they take up very little space in your backpack.

4.     Use your own weight

If the hostel or hotel does not have any gym equipment and you do not have any resistant bands do not underestimate your own body weight as a great tool for a workout! There are loads of great body circuits you can do so give those a try! 

5.     Online workouts

There are thousands of free online workouts to get the heart pumping so head to YouTube and get going.


Travel Tip Tuesday – Remembering the essentials when packing


Travel Tip Tuesday - Picking your accommodation