Sera Conservancy - rhino reintroduction

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Sera Conservancy lies in Samburu county of northern Kenya. Sera is a community owned and run conservancy that has recently received a new rhino population which were introduced to bring rhinos back into the area. 

Pictured here is one of the male black rhinos called Locheru. His name is from the Samburu word meaning gift. He is one of 5 bulls in Sera. Being a male black rhino he is very much a solitary animal and often found in the thick bush.

"We believe as people of Sera conservancy since the black rhinos have been bought back to Samburu  after a 40 years without them,  it is a blessing to have them back to community land." Jimmy - Sera Ranger 

The rhino population is doing well and since their introduction 5 years ago, the population has grown with seven new borns. This is an incredible population increase!

Author: Jimmy, Sera Wildlife Conservancy Ranger


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